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Allegro Partition
Librairie Musicale
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Prix: 31.10 €

RAFF Joachim

Six morceaux pour violon et piano | op. 85


Violon et piano

Breitkopf   -  EB9407

With his Six Morceaux, Raff created a collection of six short pieces with the aim of “pleasantly entertaining many a listener” and demonstrating that he was “also capable of writing something easy”. After all, he had made a name for himself in the years before with extremely demanding chamber music for renowned dedicatees. The Six Morceaux, dedicated to the violinist Ludwig Straus, on the other hand, are probably related to Raff’s teaching activities at a private piano school in Wiesbaden at that time. Therefore, with the individual pieces varying in difficulty they are well suited for violin lessons without losing any of their musical ambition. The most famous piece is probably the “Cavatina”. Arranged for various scorings during Raff’s lifetime, it continues to be one of the most popular Encore pieces altogether – Fritz Kreisler, Yehudi Menuhin and Itzhak Perlman have made recordings of the piece. They say that a piano quintet version was even heard on the Titanic. This modern Urtext edition is based on the first printing, supervised and initiated by Raff himself.

Fiche mise à jour le 27/01/2025

1. marcia
2. pastorale
3. cavatina
4. scherzino
5. canzona
6. tarantella
Une sélection des meilleures ventes pour violon, éditées chez Breitkopf

BEETHOVEN Ludwig van
Concerto en RéM - op.61
violon et piano
19.43 €

3 sonates - op. post.137
violon et piano
22.65 €

BRAHMS Johannes
Sonate n°2 LaM - op.100
violon et piano
19.60 €

Concerto violon rém - woO1
violon et piano
21.53 €

LALO Edouard
Symphonie espagnole - op.21 - conducteur
violon et orchestre symphonique
19.11 €

LALO Edouard
Symphonie espagnole - op.21
violon et orchestre symphonique
83.50 €

HAENDEL Georg Friedrich
6 sonates op.1 - vol.2 - n°13, 14 & 15
violon et basse continue
25.95 €

BACH Johann Sebastian
Prelude BWV1006/1 & chaconne BWV1004/5
violon et piano
19.43 €

MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus
Concerto n°2 en RéM - KV211
violon et piano
21.40 €

MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus
Concerto violon n°7 RéM - KV271a
violon et piano
26.45 €

BACH Johann Sebastian
Sonate en solm - BWV1030a
violon et piano
18.86 €

TWOgether - Klavier und ...
violon ou violoncelle ou flûte ou clarinette ou saxophone alto ou trompette et
22.58 €

Concerto en solm - op.26
violon et piano
29.75 €

Zebras liederheft
violon et piano ou 2 violons
19.90 €

Sonatine en SolM - op.100
violon et piano
21.40 €

Sonate n°4 ReM - op. Post
violon et piano
35.30 €

Sonate n°3 MiM - op.60
Violon et piano
35.30 €

BACH Johann Sebastian
Sonate G-dur BWV1021
violon et basse continue
18.85 €

ROZSA Miklos
Sonate op.15a
2 violons
48.10 €

ROZSA Miklos
Concerto - op.24
violon et piano
59.40 €

Du même compositeur et avec
la même instrumentation...

RAFF Joachim
Sonate n°1 mim op.73
violon et piano
32.30 €